October, 2024
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Library Management & Administration (Basic)
Library Management Training
This 390 hours training programme consists of altogether 13 modules. It provides skills & Knowledge necessary for the post of Library-Assistant. There will be both theory and practical sessions to perform skills/tasks specified in this curriculum. Trainees will practice & learn skills using the right tools, materials, equipment & machines necessary for the program.
The competency based short-term curriculum for Library assistant is designed to produce skilled and employable lower and middle level technical workforce equipped with knowledge, skills and attitudes related to library organization and management. It makes the trainees able to get employment in any kind of library and resource centre.
The aim of this curricular program is to produce lower and middle level library para-professionals able to do almost all the technical jobs and provide services to the clienteles of any library and information centre.
After the completion of the training programme, the trainees will be able to:
- Plan for the establishment and operation of a small and medium-size library
- Know selection criteria, sources of good books/periodicals and accessioning, prepare a set of library rules,
- Determine the tools, materials and equipment needed for library,
- Classify books subject-wise and can assign class numbers,
- Do end processing, spine labelling and shelving correctly,
- Prepare Author, Title, Subject catalogue cards and other additional cards,
- File catalogue cards correctly in the card catalogue cabinet,
- Locate books from the shelves,
- Do paper clipping judiciously and maintain the files subject-wise,
- Maintain library databases with standalone system or webbased Integrated library system
- Search desired books using various search techniques i.e. free-text & boolean operators,
- Print the searched list of books,
- Do internet searching and browsing the online databases,
- Know basic principles and processes of library automation, library digitization
- Do charging and discharging of books manually or electronically under minimum of supervision,
- Answer reference queries using appropriate reference tools/books and resources,
- Know about preventive measures and remedies for preservation of library materials, etc.
Admission criteria
Individuals who meet the following criteria will be allowed to enter into this program:
- Minimum 10+2 or equivalent
- Physically fit as specified by job
- Minimum of 18 years of age
- Should pass entrance test
Salient features
- Duration: The total duration of this training program is 390 hours.
- Target group: All the persons interested in library work and having 10+2 or equivalent educational qualification from any government recognized institution will be eligible for this para-professional course.
Group size:
The group size for this training program will be maximum of 30 persons, provided with all the necessary resources for practicing the tasks/ competencies as specified in this curriculum.
- Medium of Instruction: The medium of instruction for this training program will be Nepali or English or both.
- Pattern of attendance: The trainees should have 80% attendance in theory classes and 90% in practical (performance) to be eligible for internal assessment and final examinations.
- Focus of the curriculum: This is a competency based curriculum. This curriculum emphasizes on competent perform of the task specified in it. Not less than 80% time is allotted to the competencies and not more than 20% to the related technical knowledge. So, the main focus will be on the performance of the specified competencies/tasks /skills included in this curriculum.
Follow up suggestion:
This is not a training program only for training sake. The ultimate success of this program will rest on the proficiency of the graduates of this training program in providing services in the community either by wage employment or by self-employment. In order to assess the success of this program and collect feedbacks/inputs for the revision of the program, a schedule of follow up is suggested as follows:-
- First follow up: Six months after the completion of the program
- Second follow up: Six months after the completion of the first follow up
- Follow up cycle: In a cycle of one year after the completion of the second follow up for five years
Grading System
The trainees will be graded as follows based on the marks in percentage secured by them in tests/ evaluations.
- Distinction: Passed with 80% or above
- First Division: passed with 75% or above
- Second Division: passed with 65% or above
- Third Division: passed with 60% or above
Certificate requirement: The related training institute will provide the training certificate of “Library assistant” to those trainees who successfully complete all the requirements as prescribed by the curriculum.
Job prospects
After successful completion of this program the trainees will be equipped with the knowledge and skills related to run a small and middle-size library independently or with very minimum of supervision from a professional librarian.